Thermal and technical performance standards for insulating connectors

Construction standards are constantly evolving to guarantee better comfort but above all for optimal building safety. These changes mainly concern technical and thermal performance.


Thermal performance standards for buildings

Building regulations include provisions on the thermal and energy performance of new constructions.

Two objectives are pursued: Limiting energy consumption but also reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

In order to ensure an efficiently insulated building envelope and to limit the energy demand of buildings, thermal bridges must be minimized or completely prevented. In course of improvements in the sealing and thermal insulation of buildings, thermal bridges account for 30 to 40% of the total heat loss of a building. It is therefore essential to take measures.


UGIGRIP® duplex stainless steel is ideal to fight thermal bridges

Duplex stainless with lowest thermal conductivity

Indeed, the thermal conductivity coefficient of duplex stainless steels is three times lower than that of ordinary steels.

Materials family Thermal conductivity of the material (λ en W/m.K) Example
 Insulation materials from 0,028 à 0,065 Polyurethane, minaral wool, vermiculite, perlite
 Wood from 0,12 à 0,19 Hardwood, softwood
 Bricks from 0,27 à 1,1 Different bricks
 Glas 1  
 Concrete from 1,7 à 2,2 Dry or humid
 Natural stone from 1,40 à 3,49 soft stone, granite, marble
 Metals from 12 à 17 Duplex stainless steel
50 Unalloyed concrete steel
203 Aluminium
384 Copper

Duplex stainless steel for breaking thermal bridges

Whether for external or internal insulation, thermal bridge breakers significantly reduce heat loss. To ensure this function, the use of stainless steel reinforcing bars is essential.


Thanks to extensive studies carried out by our Research Centre on the thermal conductivity of the various grades of stainless steels, Ugitech offers you UGIGRIP®, a range of products adapted to your need for low thermal conductivity.